Yay the new year! Even though this is nearly 1 month too late.
So where do i start
1) I managed to get to sec 5. Holy shit! Actually thought i would go to ITE.
2)Still as pessimistic as ever! YAY!
3) I have a girlfriend.......imaginary......well to be honest i did not even imagine that.......
Well fuck that!
Never take anything too seriously that's y I'm in the NA stream.....
Some shite
1) If you control something, is it subservient too you?
2)What truly is the point of doing any thing?
eg) Why do you go to school?
To get a good job.
Y do you want a good job?
To get money.
Why do you wanna get money?
Get stuff to fell happy.
Why do you want to fell happy?
To fulfil emotions.
Why do you want to fulfil emotions?................
3)Whats the point of being serious in any situation if the above holds true.
Thus we should live life to have fun to cover the thin veil between this world and knowledge that nothing is really worth doing.
So how is life now?
Learnt to not feel that because i have a crush on someone does not mean that i should have em.
If I really care about them then should'nt I be happy if i don't screw up their life?
Glee is the greatest show eva!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing more....
Monday, February 1, 2010
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Irony,is a situation where the opposite of what happenes does happen.One good example is when parents say that u r free 2 express yourself but still scold u when any misunderstansding happens because u cld not explain urself.There is only one word to explain that type of relationship,Fascism!Y did i choose that word?Think abt it,The Nazis would do stuff like that,parents r doing the same thing!mayb we should change the whole parenting thing
Friday, May 8, 2009
Exams and Flus
Greetings to all u people in the fair land known as the internet.
Been a long time since last post so i just have 2 remind u that i am not running a dead blog i am just one lazy mother****** I just simply dont have the attention span for all this .I have to study for exams,I have things 2 do,I have people to meet!(dont worry this is all a lie,i dont have anything to do)
Whats new in life?
A math like shit,Malay like crap,Humanities like some other word for fecal matter.Basically life is the same piece of crap just in a different shade.The world is screwed up war here,flu there basically idiots doing dumb stuff same since the beginning.
Being that i control everything in this lousy blog,i have decided to establish my own kingdom.It shall be called...
The Kingdom of North Cōleī
Why did i choose that name,find out for urself.
As usuall i plan to ramble on abt something.2 days topic,Mas Selamat
1)How did he stay free 4 so long
2)Y did it take so long 2 anounce it
3)why did he not try to run to Thailand or something?
Well life is on its boring roll again so bye.
Been a long time since last post so i just have 2 remind u that i am not running a dead blog i am just one lazy mother****** I just simply dont have the attention span for all this .I have to study for exams,I have things 2 do,I have people to meet!(dont worry this is all a lie,i dont have anything to do)
Whats new in life?
A math like shit,Malay like crap,Humanities like some other word for fecal matter.Basically life is the same piece of crap just in a different shade.The world is screwed up war here,flu there basically idiots doing dumb stuff same since the beginning.
Being that i control everything in this lousy blog,i have decided to establish my own kingdom.It shall be called...
The Kingdom of North Cōleī
Why did i choose that name,find out for urself.
As usuall i plan to ramble on abt something.2 days topic,Mas Selamat
1)How did he stay free 4 so long
2)Y did it take so long 2 anounce it
3)why did he not try to run to Thailand or something?
Well life is on its boring roll again so bye.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Friends.Why do we need them.More importantly,why do i need them?
(Something to remember 4 me):Every relationship u have had u have fucked it up.So why do u or why should u make others angry by becoming their friend if u only screw it up?
Living without friends for u would seem like shit but do u deserve friends?Using ur logic,since others get angry if they r with me then if they are not their lives would b better off.It would screw up ur life but should others care?Should u just kill ur self 2 save others from urself?
EG:Benjamin W.could have been ur fren,but u fuxed it up.Now both of u fite it to a stalemate.If u killed urself u would obviously make others happier.But u would make ur family sad and u may go to hell.
Therefore u shld be a pariah.Others will hate u,u will b alone and no one important gets hurt.(Gd idea)
(Something to remember 4 me):Every relationship u have had u have fucked it up.So why do u or why should u make others angry by becoming their friend if u only screw it up?
Living without friends for u would seem like shit but do u deserve friends?Using ur logic,since others get angry if they r with me then if they are not their lives would b better off.It would screw up ur life but should others care?Should u just kill ur self 2 save others from urself?
EG:Benjamin W.could have been ur fren,but u fuxed it up.Now both of u fite it to a stalemate.If u killed urself u would obviously make others happier.But u would make ur family sad and u may go to hell.
Therefore u shld be a pariah.Others will hate u,u will b alone and no one important gets hurt.(Gd idea)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
What is truth?Is it a constant,is it something that will always be the same?When one looks at truth what does one see?Is it true that GOD exists.Is it true that everything told to you is right?Is truth gained by logic and reason or by the absence of it.Is truth subjective,does something that is true to me be true to someone else.What is the nature of it.Is it right to say that if everyone says 1+1=3,then they are correct.That would be an absolute NO everyone knows the answer is 2.But then if u know that is wrong,could other things be wrong as well.What about religion,science or other shit?Perhaps everyone has to find their own truths.That means that truth is diffrent for everyone.But truth is supposed to be same for everyone right?Fux im not good at this.Okay this is the day after my 16 b'day and this is all i can think of.Mayb a song could lighten this up

Monday, March 2, 2009
This day......
Lets get straight to the point.This day sucks i mean u know the feeling whens everything is the shits.The worst part was that the day started off well.Woke up,ate wanked......ummm forget that last part.Came home to go frens house for a gr8 game.Wat happned?Fren got sick,then sitting down abt to watch a good show then what happned got fuxing lighting and the damn power went off.Worst part was that the circuit breaker in my house was screwed up or mayb i suck so stuck wif no power 4 two hours.Motherf...er!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Then my dad came home fliped a switch and the power came on Shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At least i have my health.......awwww shit i feel sick now.So this week,started badly.Mayb it will be better on my bday,or it will be crappier.Then again since few people come here no one will care ftw.Man this blog seems boring mayb its me but then again idc so fux it.
You dont know how to pick the girls u like.Then again what does 'like' mean.Is it true love or some other shit.But if thats true then y do your crushes not equate to lifelong maritial bliss.Therefore love is diffrent.Perhaps the 'like' from the first sentence is something else.It should be something else.Scientifically its just chemicals but that kills the spirit of LOVE since the general population thinks of love as a special thing.Since it is logical to see love as biological is it illogical if one believes love is special?
Walau this blog is very cheem then again its not for the general populace.Being a nerd i mean person of diffrent priorities is hard.That should be the reason y im single......damn it this sucks.
B4 i end.dear reader think abt this qoute from the internet:
Why is it okay for girls to have equality but they dont get canedin school like guys??
At least i have my health.......awwww shit i feel sick now.So this week,started badly.Mayb it will be better on my bday,or it will be crappier.Then again since few people come here no one will care ftw.Man this blog seems boring mayb its me but then again idc so fux it.
You dont know how to pick the girls u like.Then again what does 'like' mean.Is it true love or some other shit.But if thats true then y do your crushes not equate to lifelong maritial bliss.Therefore love is diffrent.Perhaps the 'like' from the first sentence is something else.It should be something else.Scientifically its just chemicals but that kills the spirit of LOVE since the general population thinks of love as a special thing.Since it is logical to see love as biological is it illogical if one believes love is special?
Walau this blog is very cheem then again its not for the general populace.Being a nerd i mean person of diffrent priorities is hard.That should be the reason y im single......damn it this sucks.
B4 i end.dear reader think abt this qoute from the internet:
Why is it okay for girls to have equality but they dont get canedin school like guys??
Friday, February 20, 2009
Hi all it is me again.Well i'been thinking abt it and i have realised that not many people come here and by that i mean no one fucking comes here so screw this.Since no one sees this i have 2 continue what i have been doing.
So 4 'teh great experiment'
Shit i have been thinking of.4 those who do come here u prob wont understand this.
1)seeing that life on earth is carbon based.could there b silicon based life and more importantly could earth itself being made of silicon be considered a lifeform if so.....is it sentient?
2)procrastination:fuxing amazing.remember that.
3)If people can complain that this blog is too damn cheem..whose fault is it?Then again it is a small problem since only a few people come here
4)Eating curry and drinking coke......bad idea
What else do i say now?
birthday bash.......not a good idea rite i mean u could choose any other day and u had to choose that damn day to do it.What the hell were those people thinking.
Stuff that happned today.........Woke up.....then sleep again......woke up,bath,go school,drink coffee,go class,get bored,go home,get bored,buy food,write on blog no one goes to finish day.
shit my life is boring.or is it me thats boring......maybe i should bulk up,make more frens,save more money,maybe study instead of stoning,maybe i should do something with my life.......then again that sounds like hard work and i am a lazy SOB so nevermind screw that idea.
Before i end i should write a new poem
The sun rose in the sky
Tim woke up and said hi
He looked down his 15 storey window and thought ''i wanat to fly''
Now he know what it is like to die.
Again like my previous post,this post is like shit but since im the only one reading this i dont care.
So 4 'teh great experiment'
Shit i have been thinking of.4 those who do come here u prob wont understand this.
1)seeing that life on earth is carbon based.could there b silicon based life and more importantly could earth itself being made of silicon be considered a lifeform if so.....is it sentient?
2)procrastination:fuxing amazing.remember that.
3)If people can complain that this blog is too damn cheem..whose fault is it?Then again it is a small problem since only a few people come here
4)Eating curry and drinking coke......bad idea
What else do i say now?
birthday bash.......not a good idea rite i mean u could choose any other day and u had to choose that damn day to do it.What the hell were those people thinking.
Stuff that happned today.........Woke up.....then sleep again......woke up,bath,go school,drink coffee,go class,get bored,go home,get bored,buy food,write on blog no one goes to finish day.
shit my life is boring.or is it me thats boring......maybe i should bulk up,make more frens,save more money,maybe study instead of stoning,maybe i should do something with my life.......then again that sounds like hard work and i am a lazy SOB so nevermind screw that idea.
Before i end i should write a new poem
The sun rose in the sky
Tim woke up and said hi
He looked down his 15 storey window and thought ''i wanat to fly''
Now he know what it is like to die.
Again like my previous post,this post is like shit but since im the only one reading this i dont care.
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