Monday, February 1, 2010

New Year

Yay the new year! Even though this is nearly 1 month too late.

So where do i start

1) I managed to get to sec 5. Holy shit! Actually thought i would go to ITE.
2)Still as pessimistic as ever! YAY!
3) I have a girlfriend.......imaginary......well to be honest i did not even imagine that.......

Well fuck that!

Never take anything too seriously that's y I'm in the NA stream.....

Some shite

1) If you control something, is it subservient too you?
2)What truly is the point of doing any thing?

eg) Why do you go to school?
To get a good job.
Y do you want a good job?
To get money.
Why do you wanna get money?
Get stuff to fell happy.
Why do you want to fell happy?
To fulfil emotions.
Why do you want to fulfil emotions?................

3)Whats the point of being serious in any situation if the above holds true.
Thus we should live life to have fun to cover the thin veil between this world and knowledge that nothing is really worth doing.

So how is life now?
Learnt to not feel that because i have a crush on someone does not mean that i should have em.
If I really care about them then should'nt I be happy if i don't screw up their life?


Glee is the greatest show eva!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing more....

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