Monday, March 2, 2009

This day......

Lets get straight to the point.This day sucks i mean u know the feeling whens everything is the shits.The worst part was that the day started off well.Woke up,ate wanked......ummm forget that last part.Came home to go frens house for a gr8 game.Wat happned?Fren got sick,then sitting down abt to watch a good show then what happned got fuxing lighting and the damn power went off.Worst part was that the circuit breaker in my house was screwed up or mayb i suck so stuck wif no power 4 two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Then my dad came home fliped a switch and the power came on Shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At least i have my health.......awwww shit i feel sick now.So this week,started badly.Mayb it will be better on my bday,or it will be crappier.Then again since few people come here no one will care ftw.Man this blog seems boring mayb its me but then again idc so fux it.

You dont know how to pick the girls u like.Then again what does 'like' mean.Is it true love or some other shit.But if thats true then y do your crushes not equate to lifelong maritial bliss.Therefore love is diffrent.Perhaps the 'like' from the first sentence is something else.It should be something else.Scientifically its just chemicals but that kills the spirit of LOVE since the general population thinks of love as a special thing.Since it is logical to see love as biological is it illogical if one believes love is special?

Walau this blog is very cheem then again its not for the general populace.Being a nerd i mean person of diffrent priorities is hard.That should be the reason y im single......damn it this sucks.

B4 i end.dear reader think abt this qoute from the internet:
Why is it okay for girls to have equality but they dont get canedin school like guys??

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