Thursday, February 5, 2009


Just like the title

This post is 4 Hansen well to start off I'm too god damn cheap to buy him anything so i dedicate this post 4 him as a present
SO HAPPY B'DAY HANSEN!!!!!!!! Kinda makes me emo to know that no 1 will care abt.......ok shit cant do that should steer clear of making another god damn emo post.

So in the spirit of my 'EXPERIMENT' i tried doing some shit like
1)living without emotion for a day(bloody hard)
note to self:dont do that next to angry people,makes em thing u hate jaw hurts
2)Tried talking with a brit accent,for a day.

Results for 1) Made a bunch of people think i was crazy,well mayb i should me...but im to fucking lazy to do that.
(Another note,being emo is hard,even on the interweb how the hell do they do it....should ask benjamin)

results for 2)will do tmr...

well since i use this blog as a platform for my probly high brain i will write a simple but effective reason y saying bad words is not bad.

Important thats y i used large letters.

1)Words,pics and sound used as mediums to bring information from 1 person to another.
2)These mediums are languages
3)Words like FUCK are parts of language
4)since those words are used to bring information fuck=information
5)information is not good or bad as it onli matters on the person who views the information
6)therefore words like fuck are not bad but they arnt good as well

Okay so it isnt so simple but still better than getting a scolding for using it.Either u will be lucky as the person scolding u will say u r right or u kena fuxed for acting smart.

So tmr will go old folks home damn i wish i know what the hell to do.Well theres a first time everything in this case death.Also on a happier note to all you sob's lucky enough to have bgr,bbr or ggr (i wont make fun of u) valentines day is coming.Well have a happy cunting valentines day.

Before i sign off i wanna say that if u see words u dont understand i put them there purposely to screw with your mind.Like this qoute

Theres no u in team,but theres a u in cunt.

I hope you all go siow thinking wth i just said(just kidding)
(or am i......)

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